The shots of Zeltrax with a black background as well as the shot of him in the cave, I do not know where that comes from.
New footage of Deadwood
Footage of the Triptoids that plays on the Monitor is I believe Sentai footage.
I believe this is new
Here's a newly powered-up Zeltrax  

Once you see Deadwood as it's growing to Giant proportions is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
Here's Giant Deadwood which is definitely new footage
Dragozord appearing is Sentai stock footage.
This shot of the clone is I believe new footage but don't quote me on that
The footage of the evil Clone entering his zord cockpit via the Dragozord is Sentai stock footage
New footage
Once you see the Yellow, Red and Blue Rangers enter into their zord cockpits via their zords is Sentai stock footage, same with the combination sequence although it was a short one.
Once you see the Dino Stegozord and the Giant Deadwood is when it goes back to regular Sentai footage.
Once you see the Mezodon Megazord's cockpit resting place for the Shield of Triumph is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
New footage with the remains of the Tree of Life falling down
Here's new footage of the tree's remains already on the ground of the battle field
Once you see the Triceramax Megazord cockpit is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
New footage of Black Ranger although you can barely see him in the shot but you can see White Ranger and the new form Zeltrax
Battlizer Morph
Triassic Battlizer  



NOTE: Deadwood Sentai footage comes from Abaranger 37.

Tripotid Sentai footage comes from Abaranger 41.